Organizing & Decluttering
Moving & Relocating
Zero Waste Offloading
Concierge Services
Spaces and Life Stages We Support
Attics & Garages
Bedrooms & Closets
Home Offices
Kitchens & Pantries
Living Rooms & Libraries
Storage Areas
Catering Kitchens
Storage Units
Home Renovations
Moving - Packing and/or Unpacking
New Baby
Single to Coupling or Uncoupling (conscious or not)
Zero Waste Offloading
Let go the guilt-free way. With her deep knowledge of and passion for zero waste in addition to her extensive list of partners and resources for where to offload your unwanted items, Lauren will find the next best home for just about everything you no longer need. Here is a list of a few of the organizations that benefit from your unwanted goods.
Salvation Army
SF Smiles
St. Anthony's
Animal Care and Control
Building Resources
Homeless Prenatal Program
Concierge Services
In addition to helping you organize the places you live and work, Lauren can also strike some things off your to-do list.
Recycling electronics, printer cartridges, batteries and/or light bulbs
Returns - brick and mortar or on-line
From moving cross-country to rearranging your home to accommodate homeschool or work from home, the Next Highest Good team can help make it stress and guilt-free. We offer a variety of services to help you feel settled in your new home:
Full-service concierge moving management
Organizing and decluttering before / after a move
Zero waste re/upcycling of unwanted items
Packing, inventory and labeling
Virtual coaching calls to support and coordinate your move
Moving day oversight of your movers, following our strict Pandemic Protocols
Getting Organized
Lauren starts with "the purge" going through everything in a predetermined space together with you and categorizing along the way. It's important to do it this way because what you have left will inform the systems we create to keep you organized.
She works in four-hour session blocks giving her time to make "an organized mess" and then tidy it up before wrapping the day. For bigger, multi-day projects, Lauren has a dedicated team of incredible organizers by her side.
Included in all projects is premier purging, decluttering and organizing services. For an additional charge, Next Highest Good is proud to offer: zero waste offloading of your unwanted items, errand support (like mailing packages/returns, shredding drop-off, Amazon orders, etc.) and emergency kit preparation.
Want to Learn More?
If you're interested in hearing more about our company and meeting Lauren, schedule your no obligation consultation today..
Or contact us directly at 917 822 3003 and Lauren@NextHighestGood.com